
Enabling and Infrastructure, Bristol

Project Overview

A new industrial/distribution development located in Bristol.  The site extends to 65 acres.

Project Value:

£10-15 million

Project Duration:

15 months

Key Facts:

  • The works aim to secure viability for future development.  The site will offer a variety of unit sizes ranging from 133,438 – 584,361 sq ft within three separate phases.  Future development to achieve BREEAM rating ‘Excellent’.
  • Goodrich was appointed to commission and manage the early-stage enabling works.  These include:
    • Ecology Mitigation:  Reptile clearance and establishment of a suitable receiver zone
    • Public Right Of Way (PRoW) Diversion:  Management of the design and application process
    • Archaeological Investigations: Archaeological geophysical survey and follow-on evaluation that comprised 112no trenches.  The survey work identified a significant level of interest and required a programme of strip, map and sample excavation across the site to remove any future development constraint within the boundary
    • Rhine Diversion and Water Vole Translocation:  Diversion of a surface water flood rhine to maximise the developable area, including securing permissions from Natural England and translocation of water voles
    • Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade:  Management of the application process and provision of a new 10MVA primary sub-station
    • Foul Water Pump Station and Rising Main: Management of the S104 technical and legal applications to secure a new foul water connection for the development site
    • Site Clearance and Upfilling:  Procuring civil design and contractor appointment to undertake a package of site strip, disposal and upfilling to provide a suitable load-bearing plateau for future development